Notice on opening online psychological counseling services during the summer vacation of 2024

Publisher:Release time: 2024-07-04Number of views:11

Each secondary college:

In order to carry out psychological education work on a regular basis, meet the needs of students' psychological counseling during the summer vacation, and help students spend a safe, happy and meaningful vacation, the Student Affairs Office will2024Open online psychological counseling service during summer vacation。The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:

First, the object of service

All current students

2. Service time

202478日至2024830Sunday morning9:00-11:30,下午14:30-17:00

Third, service mode

Search the mini program "safety and security" on wechat or scan the QR code below, authorize login, real-name authentication, click "online appointment" on the home page, and make an appointment according to the time or designated consultant。Reservations must be made at least in advance24Hours, after the reservation is successful, you will receive an SMS notification。The counselor will be in touch with the person seeking help。Help seekers can choose text, voice, video and other ways to carry out online psychological counseling, the specific form is determined according to actual needs。

Please cancel or change your reservation at least in advance24Do the corresponding operation in the mini program, or contact a consultant。

Iv. Other instructions

1.According to the professional regulations of psychological counseling, each consultation time is about50分钟。In order to ensure the consultation effect, please choose a private, comfortable and safe environment with unobtainable network as much as possible。

2.Psychological counselors will strictly follow the code of ethics for psychological counseling, and do a good job of privacy protection and content confidentiality for clients without confidentiality exceptions。No audio or video recordings are allowed during the consultation。If it is really necessary, you can apply to the counselor before the consultation, and the counselor agrees to report to the college Student Mental Health Education Center for approval before proceeding。

3.In addition to making an appointment for school counseling, you can also call the following free psychological assistance hotline for psychological support and psychological crisis intervention services:

Anhui student Mental health education hotline:96312

Anhui Psychological Assistance Hotline:0551-63666903

National hope24Hour life Crisis Intervention Hotline:400-161-9995


Students' Affairs office
