坚定理想信念 补足精神之钙※



  党在社会主义初级阶段的基本路线是党和国家的生命线。我们在实践中要始终坚持“一个中心、两个基本点”不动摇,既不偏离“一个中心”,也不偏废“两个基本点”,把践行中国特色社会主义共同理想和坚定共产主义远大理想统一起来,坚决抵制抛弃社会主义的各种错误主张,自觉纠正超越阶段的错误观念和政策措施。Only in this way can we truly achieve neither self-belittling nor self-importance, and make solid efforts to win new victories for socialism with Chinese characteristics。


  坚定理想信念,坚守共产党人精神追求,始终是共产党人安身立命的根本。Faith in Marxism, in socialism and in communism, is the political soul of Communists and the spiritual pillar that enables them to withstand any test。Figuratively speaking, ideals and beliefs are the Communists' spiritual "calcium", without ideals and beliefs, ideals and beliefs are not firm, the spirit will be "calcium deficiency", you will get "chondrosis"。现实生活中,一些党员、干部出这样那样的问题,说到底是信仰迷茫、精神迷失。


  革命理想高于天。Without lofty ideals, not qualified Communist Party members;To leave the real work and talk about lofty ideals is not a qualified Communist Party member。In the more than 90 years of our Party's history, generation after generation of Communists have sacrificed their lives in pursuit of national independence and people's liberation, relying on a belief and for an ideal。Although they also know that the ideal they pursue will not be realized in their own hands, they firmly believe that as long as generation after generation continues to work hard for it, generation after generation makes sacrifices for it, the noble ideal will be realized, and the so-called "beheading does not matter, as long as the doctrine is true."。今天,衡量一名共产党员、一名领导干部是否具有共产主义远大理想,是有客观标准的,那就要看他能否坚持全心全意为人民服务的根本宗旨,能否吃苦在前、享受在后,能否勤奋工作、廉洁奉公,能否为理想而奋不顾身去拼搏、去奋斗、去献出自己的全部精力乃至生命。All hesitating views, all thoughts of instant gratification, all acts of self-interest, all styles of inaction, are incompatible with this。

  (Speech at the Seminar for newly elected members and alternate members of the Central Committee on Studying and Implementing the Spirit of the 18th CPC National Congress on January 5, 2013)

On the morning of September 30, 2021, Party and state leaders Xi Jinping, Li Keqiang, Li Zhanshu, Wang Yang, Wang Huning, Zhao Leji, Han Zheng and Wang Qishan came to Tian 'anmen Square in Beijing to attend the ceremony of presenting flower baskets to the People's Heroes on the Martyrs' Day。 新华社记者 张领/摄

  During the Revolutionary War, the test of whether a cadre was firm in his ideals and convictions was whether he could sacrifice his life for the cause of the Party and the people, and whether he could rush to the front of the party at the sound of the trumpet。During the peacebuilding period, there are life-and-death tests, but after all, it is difficult to test whether a cadre's ideals and beliefs are firm, and X-ray, CT, and MRI have no way。

  当然,也不是不能检验。It mainly depends on whether cadres can have political determination in the face of major political tests, whether they can establish a firm sense of purpose, whether they can be extremely responsible for their work, whether they can bear hardships in front of and enjoy in the back, whether they can brave the burden in the face of urgent, difficult and dangerous tasks, whether they can withstand the temptation of power, money and beauty。Such a test needs a process, not a sudden, experience one or two things, listen to a few slogans can be solved, to look at long-term performance, or even a lifetime。


  For party members and cadres, the ideological slide is the most serious disease, the "main switch" is not tight, can not correctly deal with public-private relations, the lack of a correct concept of right and wrong, the concept of justice and interests, the concept of power, the concept of enterprise, all kinds of derailment across the boundary, running dripping is inevitable。思想上松一寸,行动上就会散一尺。思想认识问题一时解决了,不等于永远解决。Just like the room needs to be cleaned frequently, the dust of the mind should also be cleaned frequently, the mirror should be often photographed, the clothes should be always right, the dust should be washed, and the trouble should be treated。


  Communism is not as simple as "potato and beef", it cannot be easily obtained and achieved overnight, but we should not consider it a mirage just because the realization of the Communist ideal is a long process, and we should not be a loyal Communist Party member。革命理想高于天。实现共产主义是我们共产党人的最高理想,而这个最高理想是需要一代又一代人接力奋斗的。If everyone thinks that this is something that cannot be seen and touched, and there is no need to fight and sacrifice for it, then communism will really never be realized。我们现在坚持和发展中国特色社会主义,就是向着最高理想所进行的实实在在努力。


  对党忠诚、永不叛党是写在入党誓词里的,是对党员最根本的要求。If senior Party officials have lost confidence in the Party's leadership and in socialism with Chinese characteristics, what hope is there for our Party, country and nation?Senior officials must strengthen their belief in Marxism, in communism and socialism, and in loyalty to the Party and the people, firmly establish the Party concept, always maintain a strong Party spirit and strict Party discipline, ensure that government orders are unimpeded, and safeguard the authority of the Central Committee。It is necessary to firmly establish the Marxist world outlook, outlook on life, values and correct views of power, status and interests, and always be alert to the temptation of power, money and beauty。


On June 18, 2021, Party and state leaders Xi Jinping, Li Keqiang, Li Zhanshu, Wang Yang, Wang Huning, Zhao Leji, Han Zheng, Wang Qishan and others visited the "Never Forget the Original Intention, Remember the Mission" History Exhibition of the Communist Party of China at the Historical Exhibition Hall of the Communist Party of China.。这是参观结束后,习近平带领党员领导同志一起重温入党誓词。 新华社记者 鞠鹏/摄

  我们干事业不能忘本忘祖、忘记初心。The foundation of our Communists is our belief in Marxism, in socialism with Chinese characteristics and in communism, and our loyalty to the Party and the people。我们要固的本,就是坚定这份信仰、坚定这份信念、坚定这份忠诚。The tortuous course of world socialist practice tells us that Marxist parties will collapse once they give up their beliefs in Marxism, socialism and communism。


  Our Party has gone through 95 years of history, but we must always maintain the fighting spirit of Chinese Communists when the Party was founded, and always maintain a pure heart for the people。All forward, can not forget the road;No matter how far we go, no matter how bright the future is, we must not forget the past and why we set out。面向未来,面对挑战,全党同志一定要不忘初心、继续前进。


From February 1 to 3, 2016, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the State and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, came to Jiangxi to visit and sympathize with the cadres, the masses and the troops stationed in Jiangxi。这是2月2日,习近平在井冈山革命烈士陵园向革命烈士敬献花篮。 新华社记者 谢环驰/摄

  指导思想是一个政党的精神旗帜。Over the past 95 years, the reason why the CPC has been able to complete the arduous task that no political force in modern times has been able to do is that it has always taken the scientific theory of Marxism as its guide for action, and has persisted in enriching and developing Marxism in practice。This has enabled our Party to get rid of the limitation of all political forces in the past to pursue their own special interests, to lead and promote China's revolution, development and reform with a materialistic and dialectical scientific spirit and a selfless and fearless mind, and to constantly uphold truth and correct mistakes。无论是处于顺境还是逆境,我们党从未动摇对马克思主义的信仰。



  理想信念的坚定,来自思想理论的坚定。认识真理,掌握真理,信仰真理,捍卫真理,是坚定理想信念的精神前提。The ideals and convictions of Chinese Communists are based on the scientific truth of Marxism, on the law of human social development revealed by Marxism, and on the lofty value of working for the interests of the overwhelming majority of the people。我们坚定,是因为我们追求的是真理。我们坚定,是因为我们遵循的是规律。我们坚定,是因为我们代表的是最广大人民根本利益。



  觉悟看似无形,关键时就会明心见性。In various historical periods of revolution, construction and reform, generation after generation of Communists fought bravely and even sacrificed their lives for the cause of the Party and the people, relying on consciousness。On the battlefield, the Communists brave the bullets and charge forward; on the execution ground, the Communists face death and die calmly; when the Communists are in danger, they can come out and rush up, not by forced orders, but by consciousness。When we joined the Party, we identified Marxism, socialism and communism, and the purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly。坚守这份理想信念,是拒腐防变的思想根基。坚守这份理想信念,不是一朝一夕的事,需要一辈子学习进步,一辈子改造提高。做不到这一点,就可能随时掉队、名节不保,甚至身败名裂。



  理想信念不是拿来说、拿来唱的,更不是用来装点门面的,只有见诸行动才有说服力。We must combine knowledge with action, match words with deeds, maintain passion and dedication to our ideals and beliefs, firmly establish a correct outlook on the world, power and undertakings, and make unremitting efforts to uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics and realize the great ideal of communism through our own concrete actions。



  我们党是世界上最大的政党,大就要有大的样子,同时大也有大的难处。It is not easy to manage such a large party well, and it is still less easy to build such a large party into a strong Marxist ruling party。马克思主义政党不是因利益而结成的政党,而是以共同理想信念而组织起来的政党。建设坚强的马克思主义执政党,首先要从理想信念做起。Faith in Marxism, in socialism and in communism, is the political soul of Communists and the spiritual pillar for them to stand any test。

  (Speech delivered on January 5, 2018, at the Seminar for newly elected members and Alternate members of the Central Committee and major provincial and ministerial leading Cadres to Study and Implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the Spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress)

Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC), visited the 71st Group Army on Dec 13, 2017。这是习近平同“王杰班”战士合影。 新华社记者 李刚/摄


  理想信念之火一经点燃,就永远不会熄灭。In the Central Soviet Area and on the way to the Long March, the Party and the Red Army relied on firm ideals and beliefs and strong revolutionary will, reborn again and again, the more frustrated the courage, and finally won victory, creating an incredible miracle。We must not forget the Party's original aspiration and mission, nor its revolutionary ideals and purposes. We must continue to hold high the banner of the revolution, carry forward the great spirit of the Long March, and forge ahead toward the goal of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation。Today, on our new Long March, to overcome major risks and challenges at home and abroad and achieve new victories for socialism with Chinese characteristics, we still rely on the firm ideals, convictions and strong revolutionary will of the entire Party and the entire Chinese people。

  (Speech at the Symposium on Promoting the Rise of the Central Region in Jiangxi Province from May 20 to 22, 2019)


  Today, there are fewer trials of life and death like those of the war years with blood and fire, but the great struggle with new historical characteristics is still going on. We are facing a series of arduous tests of major challenges, major risks, major obstacles and major contradictions。Without firm ideals and beliefs, they will lose their way in the complex environment of chaotic clouds, retreat and escape under the great pressure of Mount Tai, and surrender under the bombardment of sugar-coated shells。我们要从红色基因中汲取强大的信仰力量,增强“四个意识”、坚定“四个自信”、做到“两个维护”,自觉做共产主义远大理想和中国特色社会主义共同理想的坚定信仰者和忠实实践者,真正成为百折不挠、终生不悔的马克思主义战士。




  (Speech at the Special Democratic Life Meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee "Never Forget the Original Intention and Remember the Mission" on December 26 and 27, 2019)


  Not forgetting the original heart and keeping the mission in mind must be the eternal subject of strengthening Party building and the lifelong subject of all party members and cadres。一个人也好,一个政党也好,最难得的就是历经沧桑而初心不改、饱经风霜而本色依旧。The Party's original aspiration and mission are the concentrated embodiment of the Party's nature, purpose, ideals, beliefs, and goals, which inspire our Party to always adhere to and fortify its determination to move forward。From Shikumen to Tian 'anmen, from Xingye Road to Fuxing Road, all the efforts, all the struggles and all the sacrifices our Party has made over the past century have been for the happiness of the people and the rejuvenation of the nation。It is precisely because we have always adhered to this original aspiration and mission that our Party has been able to develop and grow in extreme difficulties, to stand out in the face of desperation, and to rise resolutely in the face of adversity。忘记初心和使命,我们党就会改变性质、改变颜色,就会失去人民、失去未来。



  我经常讲,党员、干部要经常重温党章,重温自己的入党誓言,重温革命烈士的家书。党章要放在床头,经常对照检查,看看自己做到了没有?看看自己有没有违背初心的行为?房间要经常打扫,镜子要经常擦拭。要教育引导各级党组织和广大党员、干部经常进行思想政治体检,同党中央要求“对标”,拿党章党规“扫描”,用人民群众新期待“透视”,同先辈先烈、先进典型“对照”,不断叩问初心、守护初心,不断坚守使命、担当使命,始终做到初心如磐、使命在肩。It is necessary to nourish the original intention and lead the mission with the Party's innovative theory, find the original intention and motivate the mission from the extraordinary history of the Party, temper the original intention and understand the mission in the serious political life of the party, and turn the original intention and mission into the spirit of forging ahead, pioneering and innovative, and the driving force for hard work and real work。



  信仰信念任何时候都至关重要。Faith in communism and in socialism with Chinese characteristics is the political soul of Communists and the spiritual pillar that enables them to withstand any test。In the new era, the most important thing for us to strengthen our faith and belief is to strengthen our confidence in the path, theory, system and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics。党的百年奋斗历程和伟大成就是我们增强“四个自信”最坚实的基础。



  “人生天地间,长路有险夷。No other party in the world has encountered so many difficulties and dangers, experienced so many life-and-death tests, and paid so many tragic sacrifices as we have。Over the past 100 years, in responding to various difficulties and challenges, our Party has honed its character and character of not fearing strong enemies, not fearing risks, daring to fight, and daring to win。这是我们党最鲜明的特质和特点。在一百年的非凡奋斗历程中,一代又一代中国共产党人顽强拼搏、不懈奋斗,A large number of revolutionary martyrs have emerged, a large number of heroes who struggle stubbornly, and a large number of advanced models of dedication,The spirit of Jinggangshan, the spirit of the Long March, the spirit of the Zunyi Conference, the spirit of Yan 'an, the spirit of Xibaipo, the spirit of Hongyan, the spirit of resisting the US and aiding Korea, the spirit of "two bombs and one star", the spirit of the Special Zone, the spirit of fighting floods, the spirit of earthquake relief, and the spirit of fighting the epidemic,构筑起了中国共产党人的精神谱系。The reason why our Party has been in the prime of its youth and has endured hardships for a hundred years is that it relies on such a powerful spirit of revolution and desperation。



Xi Jinping, General secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, President and Chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC), visited Hunan from September 16 to 18, 2020。This is the afternoon of the 16th, Xi Jinping in the Chenzhou city Rucheng County Wenming Yao Township, the first primary school, with the ideological and political lessons of the students cordial exchange。 新华社记者 谢环驰/摄


  To learn history and increase trust is to enhance faith, belief and confidence, which is a powerful spiritual force for us to overcome all strong enemies, overcome all difficulties and win all victories。We should strengthen our faith in Marxism and communism, educate and guide Party members and officials to understand the power of faith from the Party's century-old struggle, always maintain a strong will, and bravely overcome all major difficulties and severe challenges。We should strengthen our faith in socialism with Chinese characteristics, educate and guide party members and officials to realize that socialism with Chinese characteristics is the inevitable result of historical development, the only way to develop China, and a scientific truth tested by practice. We should always be confident in our path, theory, system, and culture。要增强对实现中华民族伟大复兴的信心,教育引导广大党员、干部牢记初心使命、增强必胜信心,坚信我们党一定能够团结带领人民在中国特色社会主义道路上实现中华民族伟大复兴,努力创造属于我们这一代人、无愧新时代的历史功绩。



  我多次引用“革命理想高于天”来说明理想信念的重要性。我们党取名为“共产党”,就是认定了共产主义这个远大理想。回望百年党史,千千万万共产党人为了理想信念不惜抛头颅、洒鲜血。走向绞刑架的李大钊,发出了“共产主义在中国必然得到光辉的胜利”的坚贞誓言。面对敌人屠刀的夏明翰,写下“砍头不要紧,只要主义真。杀了夏明翰,还有后来人”的雄壮诗篇。Faced with the enemy's nine attempts to surrender in six days, Qu Qiubai made a strong answer, "Man loves his own history more than a bird loves its wings, do not tear my history.。邓小平同志说:“在我们最困难的时期,共产主义的理想是我们的精神支柱,多少人牺牲就是为了实现这个理想。”

  Today, we have long been far away from the danger of war, long lived a peaceful life, the most vulnerable to suffering from the lack of ideals and beliefs "cartilage disease"。Communism is the lofty ideal of our Party, and in order to realize this lofty ideal, we must firmly believe in socialism with Chinese characteristics。All Party members should strengthen the "four consciousness" and "four self-confidence", and strive to forge ahead on the new journey of comprehensively building a modern socialist country, so as to continuously win new victories for socialism with Chinese characteristics in a new era。




  心中有信仰,脚下有力量。All Party members must take belief in Marxism and belief in socialism with Chinese characteristics as their lifelong pursuit, always believe in the Party, love the Party for the Party, work doggedly in their respective posts, and constantly push forward the practice of striving for the lofty ideal。



  A hundred years ago, the pioneers of the Communist Party of China founded the Communist Party of China, forming the great spirit of founding the Party, adhering to the truth, adhering to the ideal, carrying out the original aspiration, taking on the mission, fearing sacrifice, fighting bravely, being loyal to the Party and living up to the people. This is the source of the spirit of the Communist Party of China。

  Over the past 100 years, the Communist Party of China has carried forward the great spirit of Party building, built up the spiritual pedigree of Chinese Communists in the long-term struggle, and forged a distinctive political character。历史川流不息,精神代代相传。我们要继续弘扬光荣传统、赓续红色血脉,永远把伟大建党精神继承下去、发扬光大!


Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, President and chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC), visited Yulin city, Shaanxi province, Sept 13 to 14, 2021。这是14日上午,习近平在绥德实验中学考察时,同师生亲切交流。 新华社记者 谢环驰/摄


  中国共产党成立一百年来,始终是有崇高理想和坚定信念的党。这个理想信念,就是马克思主义信仰、共产主义远大理想、中国特色社会主义共同理想。理想信念是中国共产党人的精神支柱和政治灵魂,也是保持党的团结统一的思想基础。Only when Party members and cadres have firm ideals and convictions can they stand all kinds of tests and go far and steady;Without ideals and beliefs, or ideals and beliefs are not firm, they can not withstand the wind and waves, and they will be filled with selfish thoughts at key moments, and even flee from the battle。The formation of firm ideals and beliefs is neither achieved overnight nor once and for all, but must be continuously tempered and tested in the practice of struggle。年轻干部要牢记,坚定理想信念是终身课题,需要常修常炼,要信一辈子、守一辈子。

  (Speech at the opening ceremony of the Training Course for Young and Middle-aged Cadres of the Party School of the CPC Central Committee (National Academy of Governance) in the Autumn Semester of 2021 on September 1, 2021)

  ※ This is an excerpt from General Secretary Xi Jinping's speeches from November 2012 to September 2021 on strengthening ideals and convictions and replenishing the calcium of spirit。